domingo, janeiro 29, 2006
Resquicios de saudade e torniquete

nunca senti tão ardua e tenebrosamente a partida de alguém!
após a entrada no comboio, nem o frio sentido por nós na estação, se conseguia comparar ao gelo que percorria os recantos mais escuros do nosso coração, devido á saudade de tão marcante partida!Ao sentares-te no comboio, olhavas pela janela e vias a neve a cair e a roçar as janelas, ao mesmo tempo que nós choravamos as lágrimas que nunca queríamos derramar em tom de desespero!
Nunca esqueceremos o melhor fim-de -semana das nossas vidas!Obrigada por tudo aquilo que és(a alma pura, o amor, a ternura,a tristeza, a certeza da incerteza,a amizade mais sublime visivel aos cantos do mundo, a beleza, o TORNIQUETE...)
E para mais um resquício de lavagem cerebral, ca fica "wander" de kamelot- epica album!
i recall one summer´s night
within the month of june
flowers in mahogany hair
and smell of earth in bloom
only such a melody
comes without a sound
more than faintly heard by those
who know what they have found
now it´s just a memory
silently we wander
into this void of consequence
my shade will always haunt her
but she will be my guiding light
silently we wander
in search of truth and confidence
so many hopes were lost here
along the way
from morning to night
meet me by the wishing well
in cover of the moon
whisper to me tenderly
that i will see you soon
sing that song from long ago
so i remember you
flowers in mahogany hair
and mellow days in june
only for the memory
silently we wander
into this void of consequence
my shade will always haunt her
but she will be my guiding light
silently we wander
in search of truth and confidence
so many hopes were lost here
along the way
from morning to night
from ashes we were born
in silence we unite
eterno torniquete da salvação obscura!see you in depeche;)
to eye of horus(may you enlight our way in darkness with your wisdom)
from RIP and wintermoon:)
quinta-feira, janeiro 26, 2006
no mercy
i will lock me in my room
i will cry last tear to share
never been away from doom
never had no one that would care
missed your heart will be
close to my dead whisper
never cared about me
when i´ve became weaker and weaker
cause the stake that you craved
in the middle of my heart
will never be forgotten
will never be torn appart
i´ve closed my door of disappointment
i´ve closed it tight for good
will never see my smile again
even if there is no pain
you better keep your head on the noose
i´ll have no mercy or sorrow
when you sing the last cry of the goose
i´ll have no mercy or sorrow....
....neither for me
....neither for you
RIP aka sorrow
i will cry last tear to share
never been away from doom
never had no one that would care
missed your heart will be
close to my dead whisper
never cared about me
when i´ve became weaker and weaker
cause the stake that you craved
in the middle of my heart
will never be forgotten
will never be torn appart
i´ve closed my door of disappointment
i´ve closed it tight for good
will never see my smile again
even if there is no pain
you better keep your head on the noose
i´ll have no mercy or sorrow
when you sing the last cry of the goose
i´ll have no mercy or sorrow....
....neither for me
....neither for you
RIP aka sorrow
quarta-feira, janeiro 25, 2006
Bleeding above
so, listen my weeps through the wind
take my soul, i couldn´t have it
take my strengh from my fist
take it now, take it ever
watch me die of despair
you see my walls written on pale
watch it now, be aware
see me calling for the angel´s tale
burning into sleep i´ve ever been
the illusion is now over
i don´t know what your name mean
but for love, for you, i could cover
i look the red skies at night
i plea for you
remember your touch.this is not right
i know you feel it too
what sins have i comitted?
you couldn´t bear this sight
my black feather has painted
these endless lines at night
i weep crystal tears
i weep tales of the unknown
you´ll see through these mirrors
my heart bleeding above
RIP aka sorrow
take my soul, i couldn´t have it
take my strengh from my fist
take it now, take it ever
watch me die of despair
you see my walls written on pale
watch it now, be aware
see me calling for the angel´s tale
burning into sleep i´ve ever been
the illusion is now over
i don´t know what your name mean
but for love, for you, i could cover
i look the red skies at night
i plea for you
remember your touch.this is not right
i know you feel it too
what sins have i comitted?
you couldn´t bear this sight
my black feather has painted
these endless lines at night
i weep crystal tears
i weep tales of the unknown
you´ll see through these mirrors
my heart bleeding above
RIP aka sorrow
Dimness profound
i´ve waited for the light of the candle
to fade
with my sorrow no one could handle
the evil had been made
every night that i layed
and you were in my dreams
i cried for last hopes
my nights ended with weeps
this emptyness i feel
listening voices above
i wished it was not real
i wished i was not wrong
i know light will fade
i have darkness on my way now
my grief no one can take
i´ve met my dimness profound
para a silent tears(sabx bem k este titulo e duma musica de luna ad noctum!stay well lady of dimness--claro k o texto e meu mas podes sp aprender algo do k daki provem;))
RIP aka sorrow
to fade
with my sorrow no one could handle
the evil had been made
every night that i layed
and you were in my dreams
i cried for last hopes
my nights ended with weeps
this emptyness i feel
listening voices above
i wished it was not real
i wished i was not wrong
i know light will fade
i have darkness on my way now
my grief no one can take
i´ve met my dimness profound
para a silent tears(sabx bem k este titulo e duma musica de luna ad noctum!stay well lady of dimness--claro k o texto e meu mas podes sp aprender algo do k daki provem;))
RIP aka sorrow
terça-feira, janeiro 24, 2006
as vezes temo dizer aquilo que sinto, as vezes temo em deixar transparecer tudo o que vai ca dentro!nao porque tenha medo que os outros saibam mas porque as vezes as coisas nao dependem so de mim!:(:( RIP |
sexta-feira, janeiro 20, 2006
noivado do sepulcro
epah adoro este poema, dei-o no meu primeiro 12º ano(ya e ironico dizer isto mas ta se)
lembro me perfeitamente k toda a turma odiou e so eu fikei com akele brilhozinhos nos olhos, epah basta dizer k toda a turma era beta excepto eu k na altura ja tinha tendencias de morte:P
noivado do sepulcro
vai alta a lua na mansao da morte
ja meia noite com vagar soou
que paz tranquila, dos vaivens da sorte
so tem descanso quem ali baixou
que paz tranquila!...mas eis longe, ao longe
funerea campa com fragor rangeu
branco fantasma semelhante a um monge
d´entre os epulcros a cabeça ergueu
ergueu-se, ergueu-se!... com sombrio espanto
olhou em roda...nao achou ninguem...
por entre as campas, arrastando o manto...
com lentos passos caminhou alem.
chegado perto duma cruz alçada
que entre ciprestres alvejava ao fim
parou, sentou-se e com a voz magoada
os ecos trites acordou assim:
"mulher formosa que adorei na vida
e que na tumba nao cessei de amar
porque atraiçoas, desleal, mentida
o amor eterno que te ouvi jurar?"
"amor!engano que na campa finda
que a morte despe da ilusao falaz
quem d´entre os vivos se lembrara ainda
do pobre morto que na terra jaz?"
"abandonado neste chao repousa
ha ja tres dias, e nao vens aqui
ai, quao pesada me tem sido a lousa
sobre este peito que bateu por ti"
"ai quao pesada me tem sido" e em meio
na fronte exausta lhe prendeu na mao
e entre soluços arancou do seio
fundo suspiro de cruel paixao
"talvez que rindo dos protestos nossos
gozes com outro d´infernal prazer
e o olvido cobrira meus ossos
na fria terra sem vingança ter!"
"oh nunca, nunca" de saudade infinda
responde um eco suspirando alem...
"oh nunca, nunca" repetiu ainda
formosa virgem que em seus braços tem
cobrem-lhe as formas divinas, airosas
longas roupagens de nevada cor
singela coroa de virginias rosas
lhe cerca a fronte dum mortal palor
"nao!nao perdeste meu amor jurado:
vês este peito?reina a morte aqui...
é ja sem forças, ai de mim ,gelado,
mas inda pulsa com amor por ti"
"feliz que pude acompanhar te ao fundo
da sepultura, sucumbindo a dor:
deixei a vida...que importava o mundo,
o mundo em trevas sem a luz do amor?"
"saudosa ao longe vês no ceu a lua?
-"oh vejo sim,recordaçao fatal!
-foi a luz dela que jurei ser tua
durante a vida e, na mansao final."
"oh vem!se nunce te cingi ao peito
hoje o sepulcro nos reune em fim...
quero o repouso do teu frio leito,
quero-te unido para sempre a mim"
e ao som dos pios do cantor funereo,
e a luz da lua, de sinistro alvor
junto ao cruzeiro,sepulcral misterio
foi celebrada, d´infeliz amor
quando risonho despontava o dia
ja desse drama nada havia entao
mais que uma tumba funeral vazia
quebrada a lousa por ignota mao
porem mais tarde,quando foi volvido
das sepulturas o gelado po,
dois esqueletos,um ao outro unido,
foram achados num sepulcro so.
soares dos passos
if tomorrow never comes(carpe noctem)
e viva os fumumcharro!charros e nice:P
ca esta uma musica de fuyllmoonchild, uma banda situada entre oeiras e sintra!vao lançar o seu primeiro ep dia 5 de fevereiro, va pessoal toda a gente a acheter pos mininos fazerem dinheirooooooooooo!
e se kiserem ja agora podem ir ve los tocar a corroios dia 25 de fevereiro!kuando ouvirem gritar"zigga a marinha" "kem tecla assim nao e maneta" "gwydion caralho" "viva as saca tampas" "o to e bom" saberao kem sera:P
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ca bai a musikita meus sinhoris!
as we swallow
no tears
(just) a hollow feeling inside
where is the glory
we all should have
where is the story
will tomorrow ever come?
this holy water(love)
that the more we have
the more we drown drown down
but we keep falling
and we keep waiting for a day to end...
will tomorrow ever come?
why do i have to live like there is no tomorrow?
carpe noctem...
where is the glory
we all should have
where is the story
will tomorrow ever come?
this holy water(love)
the more we have
the more we drown drow down
hope u like!
ca esta uma musica de fuyllmoonchild, uma banda situada entre oeiras e sintra!vao lançar o seu primeiro ep dia 5 de fevereiro, va pessoal toda a gente a acheter pos mininos fazerem dinheirooooooooooo!
e se kiserem ja agora podem ir ve los tocar a corroios dia 25 de fevereiro!kuando ouvirem gritar"zigga a marinha" "kem tecla assim nao e maneta" "gwydion caralho" "viva as saca tampas" "o to e bom" saberao kem sera:P
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ca bai a musikita meus sinhoris!
as we swallow
no tears
(just) a hollow feeling inside
where is the glory
we all should have
where is the story
will tomorrow ever come?
this holy water(love)
that the more we have
the more we drown drown down
but we keep falling
and we keep waiting for a day to end...
will tomorrow ever come?
why do i have to live like there is no tomorrow?
carpe noctem...
where is the glory
we all should have
where is the story
will tomorrow ever come?
this holy water(love)
the more we have
the more we drown drow down
hope u like!
quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2006
everytime i die
musica dos children of bodom k tocam hoje no hard club e tanto me doi o coraçao de nao os poder ir ver!ca vai uma das minhas musicas favoritas deles:
everytime i die:
the faint blaze of the candle of my life
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain
no sparks of hope inside
no shooting stars on my sky
on broken wings, no flying high
another night, another demise
cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice
i´ll let the wind blow out the light
cause it gets more painful everytime i die
out of strengh to fight
i cannot take another night
i cannot take it no more
lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood on my arms
black candle wax has buried me
another night, another demise
cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice
i´ll let the wind blow out the light
cause it gets more painful everytime i die
............everytime i die, everytime i die, everytime i die,everytime i die................
everytime i die:
the faint blaze of the candle of my life
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain
no sparks of hope inside
no shooting stars on my sky
on broken wings, no flying high
another night, another demise
cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice
i´ll let the wind blow out the light
cause it gets more painful everytime i die
out of strengh to fight
i cannot take another night
i cannot take it no more
lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood on my arms
black candle wax has buried me
another night, another demise
cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice
i´ll let the wind blow out the light
cause it gets more painful everytime i die
............everytime i die, everytime i die, everytime i die,everytime i die................
(i just) died in your arms
ja andava ha muito tempo a procura desta musica e graças a um anjinho de coimbra finalmente encontrei-a!
longe eu de pensar k esta seria a altura adequada para postar aki esta melodia que tanto me assombra o pensamento!
i just died i your arms
oh i, i just died in your arms tonight
it must have been something you said
i just died in your arms tonight
i keep looking for something i can´t get
broken hearts lie all around me
and i don´t see an easy way to get out of this
her diary it sits on the bedside table
the curtains are closed, the cats in the cradle
who would´ve thought that a boy like me could come to this
oh i, i just died in your arms tonight
it must have been something you said
i just died in your arms tonight
oh i, i just died in your arms tonight
it must have been some kind of kiss
i should have walked away
is there any just cause for feeling like this?
on the surface, i´m a name on a list
i try to be discreet, but then blow it again
i´ve lost and found, it´s my final mistake
she´s loving by proxy, no give and all take
cause i´ve been thrilled to fantasy one too many times
oh i, i just died in your arms...
it was a long hot night
she made it easy, she made it feel right
but now it´s over, the moment has gone
i followed my hands not my head, i know i was wrong
oh i, i just died in your arms....
(dedicada a kem o sabe, ja ta a ser ultrapasado)
RIP aka sorrow
longe eu de pensar k esta seria a altura adequada para postar aki esta melodia que tanto me assombra o pensamento!
i just died i your arms
oh i, i just died in your arms tonight
it must have been something you said
i just died in your arms tonight
i keep looking for something i can´t get
broken hearts lie all around me
and i don´t see an easy way to get out of this
her diary it sits on the bedside table
the curtains are closed, the cats in the cradle
who would´ve thought that a boy like me could come to this
oh i, i just died in your arms tonight
it must have been something you said
i just died in your arms tonight
oh i, i just died in your arms tonight
it must have been some kind of kiss
i should have walked away
is there any just cause for feeling like this?
on the surface, i´m a name on a list
i try to be discreet, but then blow it again
i´ve lost and found, it´s my final mistake
she´s loving by proxy, no give and all take
cause i´ve been thrilled to fantasy one too many times
oh i, i just died in your arms...
it was a long hot night
she made it easy, she made it feel right
but now it´s over, the moment has gone
i followed my hands not my head, i know i was wrong
oh i, i just died in your arms....
(dedicada a kem o sabe, ja ta a ser ultrapasado)
RIP aka sorrow
quarta-feira, janeiro 18, 2006
Mortiis causa
ja vai alta a quimera da vida
assim que respiro a morte,
e mal te vejo,
as minhas duvidas dissipam-se,
es o meu pecado,
o bafo por que anseio todos os dias.
esse olhar que nos meus sonhos me encontra
e ao ver-te na realidade,
tudo muda.
nem uma unica palavra e proferida,
o silêncio sepulcral domina a atmosfera
pois somos meros instrumentos da morte
e todos os dias, todas as noites,
ansiamos por morrer juntos,
numa campa qualquer.
A vida nao e mais que um sonho impossivel
e os nossos desejos mais que caprichos da morte.
Pudera a tua luz iluminar-me
e ensinar-me o significado da palavra AMOR.
RIP aka sorrow
assim que respiro a morte,
e mal te vejo,
as minhas duvidas dissipam-se,
es o meu pecado,
o bafo por que anseio todos os dias.
esse olhar que nos meus sonhos me encontra
e ao ver-te na realidade,
tudo muda.
nem uma unica palavra e proferida,
o silêncio sepulcral domina a atmosfera
pois somos meros instrumentos da morte
e todos os dias, todas as noites,
ansiamos por morrer juntos,
numa campa qualquer.
A vida nao e mais que um sonho impossivel
e os nossos desejos mais que caprichos da morte.
Pudera a tua luz iluminar-me
e ensinar-me o significado da palavra AMOR.
RIP aka sorrow
Rain of times
Deeply in my mind
i can hear you crying
but you can't hear me
saying you're gonna be fine
"can't rain all the time" the wind says
it's my silent voice
for loving you i'm tearing appart
but I love alone
i'll arise from my darkness
and wash the blood from my tomb
afraid distance between us grow
i'll try to forget your sweet but hollow face
your heart is full of hate
and my ice won't melt
unless your arms of flame warm me
now i realise you´ll never come from the mist
and rain will be here with me all the time
RIP aka sorrow
i can hear you crying
but you can't hear me
saying you're gonna be fine
"can't rain all the time" the wind says
it's my silent voice
for loving you i'm tearing appart
but I love alone
i'll arise from my darkness
and wash the blood from my tomb
afraid distance between us grow
i'll try to forget your sweet but hollow face
your heart is full of hate
and my ice won't melt
unless your arms of flame warm me
now i realise you´ll never come from the mist
and rain will be here with me all the time
RIP aka sorrow
No future can recall
In the walls of despair i crawl
i cry for hope and dellusion
no future can recall
as you sail in my tears
my seas of despair
you unleash my fears
my heart you tear
i´ve oppened my own abyss
i´ve sank in my own plea
my curse was loving you
my curse was hoping for the unknown
such a fool.......
i won´t plea anymore
cause my heart is damned
but my soul can´t bleed more
i´ll live the moment
and not the poisonned dream
cause my heart illusion
no future can recall
RIP aka sorrow
i cry for hope and dellusion
no future can recall
as you sail in my tears
my seas of despair
you unleash my fears
my heart you tear
i´ve oppened my own abyss
i´ve sank in my own plea
my curse was loving you
my curse was hoping for the unknown
such a fool.......
i won´t plea anymore
cause my heart is damned
but my soul can´t bleed more
i´ll live the moment
and not the poisonned dream
cause my heart illusion
no future can recall
RIP aka sorrow
i don´t want to die tomorrow
woke up this night and felt empty of all
my tears will wake you
my blood will dry you
my love is my requiem
you killed me with your sweetness
but i´m travelling far away
where the light never shines
and silence is the only voice
always dreaming of you
always thinking of you
always crying for you
always dying for you
is when i close my eyes that you appear
is when i close my eyes that you enlight my fear
i don´t wanna fall in love
i don´t wanna die tomorrow
the gates are sealed
get out of my mind
is when i close my eyes
that i fall in tears
RIP aka sorrow
travelling......................................................... far far away!!
my tears will wake you
my blood will dry you
my love is my requiem
you killed me with your sweetness
but i´m travelling far away
where the light never shines
and silence is the only voice
always dreaming of you
always thinking of you
always crying for you
always dying for you
is when i close my eyes that you appear
is when i close my eyes that you enlight my fear
i don´t wanna fall in love
i don´t wanna die tomorrow
the gates are sealed
get out of my mind
is when i close my eyes
that i fall in tears
RIP aka sorrow
travelling......................................................... far far away!!
Salvation denied
voices from freezing lands
haunt my ears
in the most dark night
i lay in my bed
but can´t fall asleep
cause this call of the grave
reminds me that you exist
as much as i try to forget you
i call...
but there´s no one there!
not now, not later....never!
why do i have to suffer in silence,
to scream alone in the dark?
no words are left to answer me
you got them all
your voice is silence!
i prefer the real world
than the dream
i prefer to die alone
than waste all my tears
i´ll hide in the whisper of the wind
and everytime it sings
you know it ´ll be me crying for you
crying for salvation denied!
RIP aka sorrow
"soon all my crystal tears will disappear"
haunt my ears
in the most dark night
i lay in my bed
but can´t fall asleep
cause this call of the grave
reminds me that you exist
as much as i try to forget you
i call...
but there´s no one there!
not now, not later....never!
why do i have to suffer in silence,
to scream alone in the dark?
no words are left to answer me
you got them all
your voice is silence!
i prefer the real world
than the dream
i prefer to die alone
than waste all my tears
i´ll hide in the whisper of the wind
and everytime it sings
you know it ´ll be me crying for you
crying for salvation denied!
RIP aka sorrow
"soon all my crystal tears will disappear"
terça-feira, janeiro 17, 2006
Unawaited calling
mais um merdelim escrito par je!
unawaited calling
i can see the first leaves falling
i wait for you one more time
anxious to hear your calling
i´ll do weep one more time
outside is now raining
and tears keep falling from my eyes
for this love i´m now praying
please don´t feed me with more lies
i´ll wait till i´m tired
i´ll wait for reality
i´m sick of dreamimg
i want to awake this calling....
but i do fear it
this loneliness is sharp as daggers
i do feel it....
.... cause when i open my eyes
you´re gone!
unawaited calling
i can see the first leaves falling
i wait for you one more time
anxious to hear your calling
i´ll do weep one more time
outside is now raining
and tears keep falling from my eyes
for this love i´m now praying
please don´t feed me with more lies
i´ll wait till i´m tired
i´ll wait for reality
i´m sick of dreamimg
i want to awake this calling....
but i do fear it
this loneliness is sharp as daggers
i do feel it....
.... cause when i open my eyes
you´re gone!
Rose on my grave
recentemente adquiri o tao esperado album de HYUBRIS uma banda de abrantes(espero n tar enganada lol-nok ajuda ai), ao baixista panda(realmente ganda ursoooooooooooo lolool)
u know what i mean:P
adoro esta musica e penso k a voz da filipa e algo transcendental, faz nos ir a lua e voltar, faz-nos rir e chorar!e o desespero autentico, o chao ate treme com akeles timbres angelicais!
ca vais esta rose on my grave:
nobody knows
what i´m looking for
nobody cares
what i feel
my life is the end of something
something that never begins
something grows inside me
maybe a terrible nightmare
tears fall like rain
like rain
and the world is invited
to enjoy in all my madness
and breathe for the last time
the rose that you put on my grave
and feel the wind through your hair
like a hand who wants to hang you
from the sky.....
u know what i mean:P
adoro esta musica e penso k a voz da filipa e algo transcendental, faz nos ir a lua e voltar, faz-nos rir e chorar!e o desespero autentico, o chao ate treme com akeles timbres angelicais!
ca vais esta rose on my grave:
nobody knows
what i´m looking for
nobody cares
what i feel
my life is the end of something
something that never begins
something grows inside me
maybe a terrible nightmare
tears fall like rain
like rain
and the world is invited
to enjoy in all my madness
and breathe for the last time
the rose that you put on my grave
and feel the wind through your hair
like a hand who wants to hang you
from the sky.....
segunda-feira, janeiro 16, 2006
circle of fear
so para demonstrar k o tempo k trouxe o frio me magoou na mais pura das formas!
anseio por uma resposta kuando sei k nunca a vou encontrar!e para mim e dificil dizer "amo-te" kuando sinto k ninguem esta la!k todos os momentos ainda que poucos tenham sido a certeza de algo sepultado nas profundezas do meu coraçao!tavez prefira ficar no escuro a proferir a esse alguem essa palavra que tanto me custa e que sei que se a disser vou sair magoada de isto tudo! talvez fazer akilo que e mais dificil para mim, nao seja a soluçao certa!(entrar numa igreja e suplicar pela morte deste sentimento pois sei k nunca vai existir nada a nao ser da minha parte)
peço a deus que mate este sentimento o mais rapido possivel pois as noites k passo em claro a ouvir a musica maldita estao a matar me de dor!
Circle of fear
heartache is knocking on her door
shadows dance outside her window
tears keep falling on the floor
as the world around her crumbles
if you want to save her
(then) first you have to save yourself
if you want to free her from the hurt
don´t do it with your pain
if you want to see her smile again
don´t show her you´re afraid
because your circle of fear is the same
love can be as cold as grave
a one-way ticket to endless sorrow
an empire of gentle hate
today without tomorrow
if you want to save her
(then) first you have to save yourself
if you want to free her from the hurt
don´t do it with your pain
if you want to see her smile again
don´t show her you´re afraid
because your circle of fear is the same
it´s the circle of regret
the circle of hate
the circle of death
your circle of fear is the same
tic tac tic tac i´m waiting for an answer
tic tac tic tac i´ll wait until i die, i´ll wait until someone tries to awake me on my death!
sorrow aka Rip
anseio por uma resposta kuando sei k nunca a vou encontrar!e para mim e dificil dizer "amo-te" kuando sinto k ninguem esta la!k todos os momentos ainda que poucos tenham sido a certeza de algo sepultado nas profundezas do meu coraçao!tavez prefira ficar no escuro a proferir a esse alguem essa palavra que tanto me custa e que sei que se a disser vou sair magoada de isto tudo! talvez fazer akilo que e mais dificil para mim, nao seja a soluçao certa!(entrar numa igreja e suplicar pela morte deste sentimento pois sei k nunca vai existir nada a nao ser da minha parte)
peço a deus que mate este sentimento o mais rapido possivel pois as noites k passo em claro a ouvir a musica maldita estao a matar me de dor!
Circle of fear
heartache is knocking on her door
shadows dance outside her window
tears keep falling on the floor
as the world around her crumbles
if you want to save her
(then) first you have to save yourself
if you want to free her from the hurt
don´t do it with your pain
if you want to see her smile again
don´t show her you´re afraid
because your circle of fear is the same
love can be as cold as grave
a one-way ticket to endless sorrow
an empire of gentle hate
today without tomorrow
if you want to save her
(then) first you have to save yourself
if you want to free her from the hurt
don´t do it with your pain
if you want to see her smile again
don´t show her you´re afraid
because your circle of fear is the same
it´s the circle of regret
the circle of hate
the circle of death
your circle of fear is the same
tic tac tic tac i´m waiting for an answer
tic tac tic tac i´ll wait until i die, i´ll wait until someone tries to awake me on my death!
sorrow aka Rip
quinta-feira, janeiro 12, 2006
Eyes of misfortune
para alguém que de certo modo me arrependo de ter conhecido na mais absurda das situaçoes que o quotidiano nos reserva!
que o meu futuro seja o meu antidoto para esta ferida!--may i die in my misfortune!
Eyes of misfortune
i crawl by the rivers of mist
searching for life among death
i walk in the shadows of the past
crying for nothing i had
in my mind i see
your eyes so awake
in my mind i see
eyes of misfortune
cutting my dreams...
future lies so far away
future stays unknown
my plea everyday
to the prince with my crown
i lay on a window
waiting for you
i lay on a window
waiting for the white crow
that will never come...
look above,
you will see,
eyes of misfortune
eyes from the sea.
my most hedious feelings
que o meu futuro seja o meu antidoto para esta ferida!--may i die in my misfortune!
Eyes of misfortune
i crawl by the rivers of mist
searching for life among death
i walk in the shadows of the past
crying for nothing i had
in my mind i see
your eyes so awake
in my mind i see
eyes of misfortune
cutting my dreams...
future lies so far away
future stays unknown
my plea everyday
to the prince with my crown
i lay on a window
waiting for you
i lay on a window
waiting for the white crow
that will never come...
look above,
you will see,
eyes of misfortune
eyes from the sea.
my most hedious feelings
terça-feira, janeiro 10, 2006
sonho impossivel
mais um sonho impossivel
quando e facil ceder
o inimigo invencivel
quando a regra e vender...
no limite improvavel
o inacessivel chao...
é minha lei, e minha questao
virar este mundo,cravar
este chao.
nao me importa saber
se e terrivel demais
quantas guerras terei que
por um pouco de paz...
e amanha, se esse
chao que eu beijei
for meu leito e perdao
vou saber
que valeu delirar
e morrer de paixao...
e assim seja la como for,
vai ter fim a infinita afliçao
e o mundo vai ver uma flor
do impossivel chao.
chico buarque/rui guerra
out of words....................
mais um sonho impossivel
quando e facil ceder
o inimigo invencivel
quando a regra e vender...
no limite improvavel
o inacessivel chao...
é minha lei, e minha questao
virar este mundo,cravar
este chao.
nao me importa saber
se e terrivel demais
quantas guerras terei que
por um pouco de paz...
e amanha, se esse
chao que eu beijei
for meu leito e perdao
vou saber
que valeu delirar
e morrer de paixao...
e assim seja la como for,
vai ter fim a infinita afliçao
e o mundo vai ver uma flor
do impossivel chao.
chico buarque/rui guerra
out of words....................
quinta-feira, janeiro 05, 2006
pensamentos aureos
em portugues, mto raro!
"nunca pensei que alma tao pura
pudesse encher a solidao do meu coraçao
o dia em que te vi ainda parece eterno
nao sei que sentir!
tu que ao meu olhar serias inatingivel
a tua magia enfeitiçou-me
mudaste a minha vida sem permissao
so penso e respiro por ti
tanto que te queria dizer
e nao encontro as palavras certas
dizer que estou aqui
que podes estender a mao
que nao te deixo cair
enforcaste-me o coraçao
matei-te o pensamento
agora o simples sentimento enche-me de tormento
e amar sem ser amado
e viver a morrer
lentamente iremos cair no abismo da saudade
so de te olhar quero viver
e estar ao teu lado
faz real a razao e transparece o que vai no fundo do teu coraçao
quando olho no espelho
vejo o teu reflexo
ate o espelho partir
muitas lagrimas cairao
a tua alma e a minha em breve se unirao
e num instante,apenas num instante,
ouviremos o choro do coraçao"
registered:diana lopes
sei k ha por ai alguem k vai dizer"deja vu", ya gaja tinhamos de ter situaçoes parecidas!!!
"nunca pensei que alma tao pura
pudesse encher a solidao do meu coraçao
o dia em que te vi ainda parece eterno
nao sei que sentir!
tu que ao meu olhar serias inatingivel
a tua magia enfeitiçou-me
mudaste a minha vida sem permissao
so penso e respiro por ti
tanto que te queria dizer
e nao encontro as palavras certas
dizer que estou aqui
que podes estender a mao
que nao te deixo cair
enforcaste-me o coraçao
matei-te o pensamento
agora o simples sentimento enche-me de tormento
e amar sem ser amado
e viver a morrer
lentamente iremos cair no abismo da saudade
so de te olhar quero viver
e estar ao teu lado
faz real a razao e transparece o que vai no fundo do teu coraçao
quando olho no espelho
vejo o teu reflexo
ate o espelho partir
muitas lagrimas cairao
a tua alma e a minha em breve se unirao
e num instante,apenas num instante,
ouviremos o choro do coraçao"
registered:diana lopes
sei k ha por ai alguem k vai dizer"deja vu", ya gaja tinhamos de ter situaçoes parecidas!!!
glass of destruction
"no one can hurt me now
i´ve close my heart
no one can save me now
this glass won´t break
i´ve grown in my darkness
i´ve breathe ashes of my fears
sorrow became part of me
tombs all around
i´m the one alive
ghosts all around
i´m dead now
this rope tied me tight
i´ll burn it from my mind
i won´t be hurt no more
everytime i see you
my heart falls appart
my soul weeps for your love"
registered:diana lopes
i´ve close my heart
no one can save me now
this glass won´t break
i´ve grown in my darkness
i´ve breathe ashes of my fears
sorrow became part of me
tombs all around
i´m the one alive
ghosts all around
i´m dead now
this rope tied me tight
i´ll burn it from my mind
i won´t be hurt no more
everytime i see you
my heart falls appart
my soul weeps for your love"
registered:diana lopes
quarta-feira, janeiro 04, 2006
the haunting-kamelot
ishhhhhhhh fikei viciada nesta musica desde k o album saiu!adoro kamelot e conheci os de uma maneira n mto habitual, atraves da minha irma k tinha trazido npa casa a very metal, eu olhei, gostei do k vi e dps do k ouvi e pronto acabei por acheter a discografia completa!sou uma viciada do caneco:P
the haunting:
merely the sound of your voice
made me believe that you were her
just like the river disturbs
...my inner peace
once i believed i could find
just a trace of her beloved soul
once i believed she was all
then she smothered my beliefs
one cold winter´s night
i may follow her voice to the river
leave me for now and forever
leave while you can
somewhere in time
i will find you and haunt you again
like the wind sweeps the earth
somewhere in time
when no virtues are left to defend
you fall deep
i was a liar in every debate
i rule the forces that fuelled your hate
when the cold in my heart leaves
it comes to an end
and quietly i´ll go to sleep
how could that first time recur
when memories linger on
what made me think you were her
helena is dead to all
did you know?
nothing can bring her to life
don´t pretend that i´ll be loving you
once i believed she was gone
i´m corrupted from within
somewhere in time
i will find you and haunt you again
like the wind sweeps the earth
somewhere in time
when no virtues are left to defend
you fall deep
i was a liar in every debate
i rule the forces that fuelled your hate
when the cold in my heart leaves
it comes to an end
and quietly i´ll go to sleep
ariel- follow me into the light
leave me tonight
i´ve gone too far to begin all anew
with someone like you
marguerite-like ice on a lake of tears
i´ll take you through
life fades in anew
with someone like you
dedicada a hear me para k kem nos sabemos se decida e k diga se pretende ficar ou partir;)
the haunting:
merely the sound of your voice
made me believe that you were her
just like the river disturbs
...my inner peace
once i believed i could find
just a trace of her beloved soul
once i believed she was all
then she smothered my beliefs
one cold winter´s night
i may follow her voice to the river
leave me for now and forever
leave while you can
somewhere in time
i will find you and haunt you again
like the wind sweeps the earth
somewhere in time
when no virtues are left to defend
you fall deep
i was a liar in every debate
i rule the forces that fuelled your hate
when the cold in my heart leaves
it comes to an end
and quietly i´ll go to sleep
how could that first time recur
when memories linger on
what made me think you were her
helena is dead to all
did you know?
nothing can bring her to life
don´t pretend that i´ll be loving you
once i believed she was gone
i´m corrupted from within
somewhere in time
i will find you and haunt you again
like the wind sweeps the earth
somewhere in time
when no virtues are left to defend
you fall deep
i was a liar in every debate
i rule the forces that fuelled your hate
when the cold in my heart leaves
it comes to an end
and quietly i´ll go to sleep
ariel- follow me into the light
leave me tonight
i´ve gone too far to begin all anew
with someone like you
marguerite-like ice on a lake of tears
i´ll take you through
life fades in anew
with someone like you
dedicada a hear me para k kem nos sabemos se decida e k diga se pretende ficar ou partir;)
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